Saturday, July 24, 2010

Is recyclable plastic bottle with chemical residue worth the water to rinse it all out? (e.g. shampoo)?

I can add a picture of an example if needed. I am sure everything that is recycled must be clean. I sometimes think it is more envirionmentally friendly to just throw somethings away rather than waste a lot of water clearning them out! Professional answers are preferred.Is recyclable plastic bottle with chemical residue worth the water to rinse it all out? (e.g. shampoo)?
No, because water isn't really wasted. It goes back through filtering and is reintroduced. Otherwise it just gets dumped into rivers, lakes, or oceans, in which case it would pollute all of it just the same.

But no, i don't really think when they recycle things they're simply washing them out. They take huge amounts of recyclable things, undergo a couple of chemical processes, and then you have material from teh recyclable things.Is recyclable plastic bottle with chemical residue worth the water to rinse it all out? (e.g. shampoo)?
well many things that are recycled are probably cleaned by radiation and sure clean it with the water if you really need it

theres plenty of water right now lol
Yes it is but pay attention to remove all the labels from the start because that will increase the impurities from the recycled plastics. Usually the recycle companies have a good washing process before melting the scraps.

If you use a tap water finally will go to a waste water treatment plants and the chemical residues will be retained and/or deactivated.


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