ThanksDo you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
No i don`t darling .Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
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I do - they are included in the price you pay for the hotel room so it is yours to keep. I like to use the good ones, but the lesser quality ones are still good for many things - my youngest daughter likes to use the bottles to play with in the bath tub and to use them when she plays house'; with her doll furniture. Or they can be filled to take with in my suitcase when I am traveling to relatives homes and don't want to take larger bottles.
Actually yes i do ! , their there for u to use so if u didnt use them why not take them ?, their free anyways and theres no sign that says u can't. I take them so i can keep them stored and remember oh ya this is where i stayed where i was ! just for memory ;) , there just so cute and miny.
yes, a lot of the time, they have awesome shampoo!
you are paying to use the stuff,
and it's not like they are going to use it for the next customer!
there's no reason not to steal the soap, unless it's really gnarly.
i always do they smell so good and some times b4 i go and check out
and the made has already gone then i take the others again
i 鈾?hotell shampoo;鈥?/a>
yeah i take a whole bunch then i give them to the missionary for poor people to use i also take the lotions the hotel most likely is just goig to throw it away anyway
Yes and if you don't use that particular brand it is wonderful to donate to a nursing home or the VA hospitals. They appreciate all of the donations they can get.
Nah i dont touch those. like the only stuff i take is like lotion. cause if i use the hotel stuff, my hair gets all weird. :) i rather use my own.
Not usually because I don't really need them
But I stayed at this one hotel in Montreal that had products made specially for their hotel and the moisturizer was lime so me and my friend stole about 20 from the maid cart!
Only if it is really good stuff like Aveda. Most places just have something crappy like Pantene or a shampoo+conditioner in one. I bring my own and don't touch those.
Depends on the hotel.
Sometimes the have the suckish stinky kind thatis just gross.
But if its any good sure why the heck not?!
i take towel too,hehe.
if they smell good xD
answer mine?鈥?/a>
i do, unless they're the really cruddy kind. like, i take the ones from the hilton hotels, lol!
it's not like the hotel needs them, the usually throw them away if they've been used.
Yes you can ... you paid for them with the rent of the hotel...they are yours to use or take
No, because they are usually some mystery brand.
yes i do
all the time
i take everything i can
you never know when you might need it :)
Hahaha, i actually dont like the shampoos at hotels.. so i take my own. lol
but i still take them!
Yes. I take advantage of whatever whenever possible.
I usually do. It just depends on what kind it is and what it smells like. I figure I paid for them so why not.
if they are a good brand. once they had crabtree and evelyn so i took those.
haha always!
Yep, they are great for your guest bathroom.
Well if they were any good i would
Sure why not?
hahah yup...but i never use them after that. they like dont do anything
ya..i do wat else do u pay them such a price for..?
no, they are cheap and bad
theyre there for you to use, so enjoy xP
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